Venetian Navigators - the Voyages of the Zen brothers to the far north
by Ribukabtm Abdrea di
pub. Faber and Faber, London - 2011/,     isbn 978-0-571-24377-8 - - few black and white portraits and reproductions of ancient maps - - 244 p.
There are 9 chapters

The author is Mr. Andrea di Robilant. He was doing some research in the archives in Venice when he was asked by an American tourist about a navigator named Zen who sailed to the North Sea and farther north between 1000 and 1400 AD. The tourist went on, but de Robilant became ingregued and chased down the Zen family and all the records of their family for several generatons. On the whole the Zen family was na ancient one, well respected (most of the time) and were successful traders.

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