A Life Full of Hobbies
by Blandford, Pearcy W.
pub. by Live Wire Books. Oxfordshire, UK, 2015       isbn 978-0-9553124-9-6 -- Contents. p.5 - - Dedication. p.6 - - Forward. p.7 - - Introduction p.9 - - 312 p. total
This is an autobiography of Perrcy W. Blandford. It is organized more thematically than chronologically.
Blandford lived to be 101 years old. He was involved with Boy Scouting longer than any other person in English history.
He wrote manuals for military aircraft during WWII.
He trained to be a teacher, manual arts, but after a few years realized he could make a better living writing DIY (do it yourself) articles and books than he could by being a teacher. He wrote over 3000 articles for a wide variety of magazines and was author of several hundred books.
He was heavily involved in designing canoes and small boats. Some of his designs are still available through an American plans dealer Clark Craft. He traveled widely - From England to India via bus then on to Australia where he bought a car for the duration of his trip. He had done the same for travel in USA and Canada.
He had one son who married and had two grand-daughters.
His life was a life well lived.
All in all a very satisfying auto biography - written late in his life, and brought to publication by one of his grand daughters.
~ 2016-08-13 ~

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