Uniform Justice
by Leon, Donna (1942- )
pub by Atlantic Monthly Books, NY - 2003 -       - isbn 0-87113-903-0 - LCCN 2003 044326 - - 259 pages - -
This is one of the Commissario Guido Brunetti series of crime novels.
Commissario Burnetti is an upper middle level investigator of the Questura, a police organization in Italian Venice.
A cadet is discovered in a military school bathroom hanging with a rope around his neck, dead.
The central question is, did he commit suicide or was he murdered.
If he committed suicide why, and if he was murdered, by whom and why.
The father of the dead young man is a medical doctor and had done a report on hospitals and financial corruption.
He was elected to parliament and resigned before his term was up, and shortly after his wife was shot in the leg
in what was officially described as a hunting accident. Is this related to his sons death?
There is considerable investigation. The other cadets and the administration of the independent military school are not very cooperative.
The conclusion comes rapidly with a twist and re-twist, and is all too real, and for that reason not totally satisfactory.
This is an OK read.


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