Troop 583 and Venture Crew 583 of McAllen, Texas

assisted with a Cub Scout event at Camp Perry where part of the festivities included a Spook Trail which operates like a haunted house strung out on a groomed trail through a brushy area.

Spook Trail (Halloween 2006) and campout - Camp Perry - near Rio Hondo, Texas

Mesquite Camp - at the far southern end of Camp Perry - 29 and 18 Oct. 2006


One of the Venture Advisors has a well earned rest.

Preparing for the Spook Trail - 28 October 2006
Troop 583 and members of Troop 84 and Troop 1954 set up and spooked the Spook Trail
for the Haloween celebration at Camp Perry.
These are pictures of some of the participants which made the trail a success.

Getting mentally geared up.


Asst. Scoutmaster Ricardo A. examines the exhibits... curiosities....

Beginning to get spooky

Good tasting ?

To give us time to fully dress out
the Scoutmaster brought in pizza, yum.
It tasted better than arm.

Most of the group - ready to spook.

Immediately after the trail performance

relaxing and getting out of costume.

The next morning

Looking for breakfast.

Coffee anyone.

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